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De: Murilo Saraiva de Queiroz <murilo_at_v...>
Data: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 11:25:06 +0100

Perguntaram-me por que eu perdia tempo com as listagens em assembly Z80 do
"Em Busca dos Tesouros" (estou escrevendo um editor de fases) e do "Road
Fighter" (estou portando a versão de MSX para o Colecovision). Acabei de
encontrar uma boa resposta:

I have often felt that programming is an art form,
whose real value can only be appreciated
by another versed in the same arcane art;
there are lovely gems and brilliant coups
hidden from human view and admiration, sometimes forever,
by the very nature of the process.
You can learn a lot about an individual
just by reading through his code,
even in hexadecimal.

Um abraço,

Recebida em Thu 02 Jan 2003 - 02:27:24 BRST

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